FAQ About $URO Coin
What is Urolithin A?
Urolithin A is a compound derived from ellagitannins found in certain fruits and nuts. It has been shown to have potential benefits in improving mitochondrial function and extending lifespan in model organisms.
How does the gamified platform work?
Users can participate in the platform by speculating on various compounds, monitoring experiment data, and submitting their own research ideas for testing.
Where can I find more information?
You can follow the latest updates and discussions on the project's Twitter and Telegram, or visit the official website.
Contact Information
For more details, feel free to reach out via:
- Twitter: https://x.com/pumpdotscience
- Telegram: https://x.com/pumpdotscience
- Website: https://pump.science
CA: FvgqHMfL9yn39V79huDPy3YUNDoYJpuLWng2JfmQpump